Hi I'm
Ryan Lee

About me


Hi, I'm Ryan Lee from Singapore.

Currently, I am studying in Singapore Polytechnic pursuing a Diploma in Information Technology. I love working in teams as I'll learn more from my teammates opinions. Staying healthy is also a priority to me. As the saying goes:"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" and " to enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise."

Name: Ryan Lee
Age: 19
Location: Singapore

This is my FAMILY!

FED photo/Australia/Australia (8).png
(L-R):Brother, Father, Mother, Sister, Me and Eldest Brother

This is my family, there are 6 of us which consist of my Dad, my Mom, my 2 brothers and the eldest Sister. My family is based in Singapore. However, we did attempt to migrate before when I was just a little boy. My Mom and Dad are like my pillar of supports. They support their children in whatever we persue. Honestly without my family, I wouldn't be who I am today.